Plans to enhance Consett to create a thriving town centre have moved into their final stage.

Durham County Council is due to start phase two and three of transformation works in Middle Street in Consett as part of its Town Centre Capital programme.

The works, which are scheduled to begin on Monday, July 17, will see the new paving from phase one continued, as well as new bollards and bins installed.

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The council will also be installing new seating and planters to create enjoyable areas for people to relax, as well as seating around new bespoke lighting columns which will project seasonal patterns onto the paving year-round.

Cllr Elizabeth Scott, Durham County Council’s Cabinet member for economy and partnerships, said: “The enhancement works in Consett are part of our ambitious Towns and Villages Investment Plan, which is helping to revitalise communities across County Durham and create more and better jobs.

“By making Middle Street and other centres more attractive to both visitors and businesses, not only are we transforming our towns and villages into exciting and vibrant places, but we are helping new and existing retailers thrive from increased footfall, creating and safeguarding jobs.”

As part of the enhancement works, the council’s community economic development team is supporting businesses across the county through its Targeted Business Improvement scheme.

The scheme provides grant funding to business owners for external and internal improvements to make their units look more appealing and fit for purpose.

In Consett, this support has seen three vacant units brought back into use.

Through ongoing applications, the council hopes to bring another seven units back into use over the coming year, creating 24 additional jobs and safeguarding a further 26 jobs.

This support will continue in Consett, as well as in other towns and villages across the county, seeing more jobs secured while attracting new visitors.

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As well as improvement grants, the council offers other forms of support for businesses such as free training courses, marketing advice, and support with recruitment.

Access to all businesses in Consett will be available throughout the enhancement works to allow trade to continue as usual with minimal disruption.

More details on the Middle Street works or the help available for businesses can be found by contacting or online