The NHS has invited Teesside smokers for a free lung check as part of a drive to improve early diagnosis of lung cancer.

Clinics are running in mobile units across Teesside. A clinic is currently in Stockton, at Asda car park, Portrack Lane.

The NHS targeted lung health check has recently been approved as a national screening programme.

It encourages past and current smokers to get their lungs a 'MOT' in a drive to improve earlier diagnosis of lung cancer and save more lives.

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Teesside has one of the highest mortality rates for lung cancer in England and is one of 43 places across the country to run the targeted lung health check programme.

Mr Johnny Ferguson, lung cancer surgeon and clinical lead for the NHS Targeted Lung Health Check programme, said: “I would encourage all who are offered an appointment to accept.

“The letter you receive could be the most important letter that ever lands on your doorstep. It could be a letter that saves your life.”

Lung cancer rarely presents any symptoms at the earlier stages.

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The programme is designed to check those most at risk of developing the disease to spot signs at a stage when it’s more treatable.

People diagnosed with lung cancer early are nearly 20 times more likely to survive for five years than those whose cancer is caught late.

Executive area director for the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB), Dave Gallagher, added: “It is so important we do everything we can to look after our lungs and these simple check-ups are a great way to do just that.”

“Having these mobile units for people to get their lungs checked and receive an early diagnosis will save lives, so if you are contacted by a member of the team offering you a lung health check, please take it.

“We have already seen the benefits of this programme with patients receiving early detection and earlier lifesaving treatment.”

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For more information on the NHS Targeted Lung Health Check programme visit