A man has been arrested after a trailer overfilled with rusted scrap damaged cars in County Durham this weekend.

One man, 48, has been arrested after police received several reports of a trailer overflowing with scrap which had collided with a parked car in the Blackhall area on Saturday (June 17).

Officers found the vehicle with no surrounding cage and rusted metal hanging over the side, which had not been secured.

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The Northern Echo:

Adding to this, the vehicle also allegedly caused damage to several vehicles it had passed.

A Durham Police spokesperson said: "On Saturday, we received several calls reporting that a trailer had collided with a parked car in the Blackhall area causing damage to the vehicle.

"On arrival, officers from Durham Roads & Armed Policing were greeted with this – a trailer that was massively overladen with rusted, scrap metal.

"The metal was not securely fastened in the trailer and there was no metal cage surrounding the load to stop it from falling off the trailer.

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"It not only caused damage to multiple vehicles that it had passed on its journey; the driver had no licence, no insurance, and failed a roadside drug wipe."

The arrested man has since been released under investigation while further enquiries are carried out.

The vehicle was also seized by officers under Operation Takeaway.