THE landmark North East devolution deal is a great opportunity for the region to get behind a dynamic individual to amplify our voice on the national and international stage. It could help drive forward our economy and opportunities for local people.

On top of this, it enables our cities, towns and villages to have a seat at the table of the national political conversation while meaning that important decisions are made closer to local people, families and businesses around economic growth, adult education and transport.

Mayors, like Andy Street in the West Midlands, are the most powerful leaders outside Westminster. He has used devolution in a positive way, as a unifying force to ensure local people are the forefront of the national debate. As a result, he been able to harness his role effectively to deliver billions more investment, tens of thousands of good jobs and opportunities to the people of the West Midlands.

Locally, we’ve seen the difference Ben Houchen has made. On Teesside it’s been transformational.

It's vital our new mayor uses their office in a similar way. The North East has its own unique opportunities and challenges, so we need more than a city-centric ex-Newcastle city councillor. We need someone who will represent Berwick to Bishop Auckland and Sunderland to Stanhope.

As Minister for Roads and Local Transport, I’ve been delighted to sign off over £100m for the North East as part of the “Bus Service Improvement Plan”, the highest of any combined authority area. This is delivering daily fare caps, £1 bus fare for under 22s and will mean bus improvements across the region. Government needs to be able to work with a mayor who’ll make the most of the whole region and use transport to ensure that opportunity is spread across the North East.

It has been sad to see that the debate in our region hasn’t been about the people of the North East or the opportunities for the future. Instead, we face an internal Labour Party spat.

Having previously endorsed Jamie Driscoll as North of Tyne Mayor, Sir Keir Starmer has blocked him from standing for the North East and we’re faced with another panel of current or former Newcastle city councillors. This is just the latest in a long line of flip-flops from Starmer and reflects his desire for a puppet as he plays factional warfare in the Labour Party rather than having a candidate fighting to deliver for local people.

We’ve made huge strides in the North East since 2019. Good jobs create more jobs. This week we’ve seen record numbers of people in work across the country. The North East has been at the forefront of the positive news with both the largest annual increase in the employment rate and largest decrease in unemployment and economic inactivity of any part of the UK. We need a mayor who will build on the great work we’ve seen since 2019.

The North East has a real opportunity to keep this momentum going. We need a mayor who will focus on what people need rather than internecine Labour Party warfare. Conservative mayors have a fantastic track record in the North and nationwide. I look forward to a Conservative candidate coming forward and delivering for us in the North East.