Proposals have been lodged to provide new toilet facilities at a North East seaside spot which would see visitors pay 30p to use them.

Hartlepool Borough Council chiefs last year outlined how the existing toilets at Seaton Carew Clock Tower are in a nearly 90 year-old listed building, making them “difficult to maintain” and any refurbishment work “very expensive”.

Councillors therefore agreed funding arrangements to look to provide £435,000 new facilities nearby due to issues with the existing site including flooding, large water use and “unpleasant smells”.

Officers outlined how new facilities would also look to improve disabled access and address vandalism and antisocial behaviour, with a 30p charge for use of the toilets.

A full planning application has now been validated by the local authority’s planning department which would provide nine unisex toilet cubicles, along with two accessibility toilets.

The proposals, submitted by council chiefs, include the provision of a dedicated “Changing Places” unit for those who require additional personal assistance when using such facilities.

The toilets would all be provided across seven modular units replicating the existing beach huts which have been located along the promenade since 2018.

If approved, they will be built on a grassed and sandy area to the north of the existing coach and car park facility, sitting to the south-east of the clock tower. 

A design and access statement submitted in support of the application said work first looked at options for the area after “a significant number of complaints from visitors regarding the existing toilets”.

It said: “It is anticipated that the toilet proposals will have a positive impact on the provision of facilities on offer at Seaton Carew, helping to support visitor enjoyment of the area and encouraging longer dwell times and repeat visits.

“A 2022 feasibility study identified that a modular build toilet unit would represent a long term cost effective replacement for the clock tower toilets, providing a good quality facility.”

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The toilets will be accessed via a contactless payment system, however there will be no charge for the Changing Places unit.

The facilities would be funded by £130,000 from the Neighbourhood Investment Programme, £95,000 from the Changing Places Fund and £210,000 in borrowing, as previously agreed by councillors. 

A decision is expected to be made on the application in July this year.