A police officer who was aggressive and verbally abusive towards a boy at a football match has been sacked.

PC Alexander Bell, now formerly of Cleveland Police, also failed to include relevant information on his vetting form when joining the force.

Following a two-day hearing the officer was dismissed from the force after it was decided his actions amounted to gross misconduct.

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It means he will never be allowed to work for the police service again.

Speaking after the hearing Detective Chief Inspector John Bonner from Cleveland Police’s Department of Standard and Ethics, said: “PC Bell’s standards have fallen short of what is rightly expected of Police Officers, and I am satisfied with the result of this hearing.

“All officers and staff must act with the highest standards of integrity both in and outside of the workplace – there are no exceptions to this.

“This case demonstrates just how important the Vetting procedure is to allow forces to make informed decisions about police officers and staff potentially joining the force.

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“In this case, we were not given the earliest opportunity to review all of the individual’s employment history and personal circumstances.

“Given the disregard by PC Bell to act with integrity and honesty, it is right he has received the outcome of Gross Misconduct.

“Cleveland Police will continue to take robust action against any officer or member of staff who is found to not uphold the required standards of professional behaviour".