A line-up of events to mark a city’s celebration for the King's Coronation has been announced.

The official programme for local celebrations will see Durham herald King Charles III’s formal accession to the throne, following the death of the late Queen Elizabeth, last September.

As with many towns and cities, plans are being made by community groups to mark what for most will be a first, and possibly a once-in-a-lifetime occasion.

In Durham the organisers from the Operation Golden Orb Working Group are inviting residents across the city to come together in celebration at the various events.

Procession route for King Charles III's Coronation revealed

The working group includes representatives of the City of Durham Parish Council, Durham County Council, Durham University, Durham Police, the Durham City Freemen, Durham Cathedral, Durham Markets’ Company and many more.

Organisers have been working on commissioning events since the national plans for the Coronation were announced, in late January.

While the crowning ceremony, itself, will take place on Saturday, May 6, Monday, May 8 has been declared an extra Bank Holiday.

The City of Durham Parish Council has been successful in securing grant funding, including from the National Lottery, to stage these events.

Parish clerk Adam Shanley said: “The Coronation will be an historic and memorable spectacle when the entire country comes together to welcome the reign of our new King and Queen.

“We are delighted to be working with partners to deliver a series of events across the city to ensure that we mark this important moment for our country in style.

“This has been a real team effort here in Durham.”

He said a major theme around the coronation has been helping local communities.

“In addition to helping communities come together to celebrate, we are also delighted to be working with colleagues on The Big Help Out, on Monday May 8.

“There will be a number of volunteering opportunities available both on the day and as a continuing legacy of the Coronation, as we ask everyone to sign up and pledge to volunteer in the future”

Coronation plans for Durham include a Coronation Tea Dance, in the Town Hall, on Thursday, May 4, led by the Dianne Ross Dance Academy, from 11am to 1pm.

All will be welcome, from beginners to more experienced dancers.

The dance will be followed by a Coronation Afternoon Tea, created and served by catering students at New College Durham.

Tickets cost £7.50 and can be reserved on Eventbrite (see bottom) or in person from the Indoor Market Hall Management Office, at Durham Market Hall.

Proceeds from the tea dance will be donated to the working group’s chosen charity, St Cuthbert’s Hospice, Durham.

Meanwhile, a Coronation-themed outdoor music event will kick-start the weekend of celebrations in Millennium Place, Durham, on Friday May 5, from 6.30pm.

Performed by the highly-acclaimed Spark LED Drummers, the event is free-of-charge and will include half-hour performances, at 6.30pm and at 8pm.

Read more: King's coronation: Over 850 community and charity reps invited

The coronation, itself, will be broadcast at a big screen event on Saturday May 6.

Durham University invites people to the ceremony in unison live on a giant screen in a marquee next to Durham City Rugby Football Club, at its Hollow Drift ground, on Green Lane.

The event will include entertainment for all the family, beginning at 10am.

Food and drink can be purchased at the venue on the day.

Although it is free-of-charge, admission is by ticket only.

Later in the day there will be a livestreaming of the lighting of the coronation beacon on the parish council’s Facebook page, from approximately 9pm.

Durham’s beacon will be lit by the city’s Mayor, councillor David Freeman.

Celebrations will continue on Sunday May 7 with A Big Coronation Party in the Market Place, from 12.30pm.

Hosted by Durham Markets’ Company, it is the city’s opportunity to come together as a community, enjoy live musical and family entertainment.

It is a bring-your-own-picnic event, for which tables and chairs will be provided, but no alcohol will be permitted.

As the nation comes together in the spirit of volunteering, residents are invited to take part in a care for your community-themed Big Help Out event in the Market Place, on Monday, starting at 11am.

As part of the event, St. Nicolas Church, in the Market Place, has launched an appeal asking everyone to donate food for families in need with a collection point for donations to be set up on the day.

There will also be a city-wide litter picking event staged jointly with Durham University, starting in the Market Place, from 11am.

People are asked to give an hour of their time to join in to help keep the city clean and tidy. Equipment will be provided on the day.

The Wear Rivers Trust will also be hosting a ‘Balsam Bash’ to address the significant issue of Himalayan Balsam affecting the city riverbanks.

All those able to help are asked to meet at the Band Stand, on the Racecourse, from 11am. All equipment is provided on the day.

Residents can also learn about other volunteering opportunities from a Pledge to Volunteer stall in the Market Place, on the day.

The city celebrations come to a close with a Durham Cathedral Evensong event, on Tuesday May 9, at 5.30pm.

Sue Snowdon, County Durham’s Lord Lieutenant will be among the guests at the service, to which the Bishop of Durham, The Right Reverent Paul Butler, will give an address.

During the weekend the cathedral will be among the national sites illuminated in red, white and blue, each evening from Friday, May 5 to Tuesday, May 9.

Read next:

Successful test-firing of Durham's newly installed Jubilee Beacon

Brian's jubilee beacon to shine a light over Durham for coronation

County Durham's Anita Atkinson prepares for the Coronation

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The Eventbrite link for tea dance tickets can be accessed via, https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-big-coronation-afternoon-tea-with-dancing-tickets-598609425907?fbclid=IwAR2QAF1kkuZb8pysofJlFQiC4H-IbFM8SfPXKW2t-q-Or8Lykvu_pC9SisM.

Big screen places can be booked via, https://pay.durham.ac.uk/event-durham/the-coronation-on-the-big-screen.

The link to the parish council’s Facebook page for the beacon-lighting can be accessed via https://www.facebook.com/CityofDurhamPC/