A young fire-raiser was told he will be facing a prison sentence after admitting charges, including arson, arising from a blaze at his rented home, late last year.

The warning was given by a judge at Durham Crown Court to defendant Elliot Bradley Dougal after his plea hearing today (Thursday, February 23).

Appearing via prison to court video link, from nearby HMP Durham, where he is on remand, the 23-year-old defendant admitted arson being reckless as to whether life was endangered.

He denied the more serious alternative of arson with intent to endanger life.

Read more: Crook car fires: Paul Reay appears in court on arson charge

It relates to a fire he started on a sofa in the living room at a rented property, in Chaytor Road, Bridgehill, Consett, where he was living at the time, in the early hours of Wednesday, December 28, last year.

Dougal also admitted damaging property, a police cage vehicle, in which he was being transported to a police station following his arrest.

He was said to have spitted around the rear of the vehicle, which had to be put out use to be washed.

Dougal also admitted assaulting an emergency worker, spitting at a police officer in the eye and mouth, head-butting him in the chest and kicking him in the legs, when he was under escort being checked at hospital.

Peter Sabiston, prosecuting, said those pleas were considered “acceptable” by the Crown.

Read more: Crook arsonist to be assessed for danger he poses before he is sentenced

Judge James Adkin commented: “Isn’t it like those lads in the 1970s who set fire to a haystack and then waited for the fire brigade to arrive to put it out?”

Tony Davis, for Dougal, agreed, “to an extent”.

But he added: “We do need a psychiatric report and a doctor will be seeing the defendant tomorrow.

“We will be assisted by his opinion.”

Judge Adkin said as it is a “custody case” a follow-up pre-sentence report by the Probation Service would not be required.

He told Dougal: “It’s, naturally, a serious case. You have pleaded guilty to some of the charges and those pleas are acceptable.

“The next stage is for you to be sentenced.

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“You are to be assessed by a psychiatrist and I will sentence you in a few weeks.”

Judge Adkin added: “You should expect to receive a custodial sentence, but you will remain on remand in custody until that hearing.”

Dougal will be sentenced at the court on Friday, March 17.