Water company customers in the North East are warned to be prepared for the potential impact of the sudden change in temperature over the coming days.

Milder weather is forecast for the region from Monday following the recent cold snap.

Northumbrian Water expects the warmer conditions will lead to an increase in leaks and bursts as the sudden dramatic shift in temperature impacts on water networks, pipes, and plumbing.

For most of the last week the region has seen extreme cold conditions, with temperatures plummeting to sub-zero and warnings in place for snow, ice, and freezing fog.

Read more: Met Office: North East Forecast reveals when cold weather will end

But, with the deep-freeze predicted to lift by the end of the weekend, and temperatures set to reach 12 degrees in some places early next week, the huge swing in extreme weather could impact on water pipes.

During cold weather, water pipes can burst when temperatures reach minus figures as the water inside freezes and expands.

But it is said the thawing of the pipes can often be the biggest problem.

The change from cold to warm causes the pipes to expand, contract and move. Together with freezing and contracting ground movements, the pipes can then leak, crack or burst.

The water company is experienced in managing the issue successfully, as such temperature swings occur every winter.

But the quick shift in extreme temperatures forecast over coming days is expected to make the impact bigger than normal and increase the number of leaks and bursts.

As a result, Northumbrian Water is putting all its operational teams on high alert over the weekend and in the run up to Christmas.

Read more: UK weather: Met Office issues yellow warning for ice and snow

Teams of leak technicians are working around the clock finding and repairing leaks as quickly as possible.

Operators are basing themselves at key reservoirs and pumping stations to maximise water resources and constantly monitor the networks

Extra staff have been brought into the customer and support teams preparing to deal with the increase in reports of bursts and leaks to ensure customers receive the support they need.

Richard Warneford, Northumbrian Water operations director, said: “We’re planning ahead and prepared for the rising temperatures forecast for this weekend, because we know the kind of impact this can have on our own water network, and our customers’ pipework. 

“Our teams work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and we’ll be here throughout the Christmas and New Year period to ensure our customers’ water keeps flowing, whatever happens with the weather.

“This means monitoring our networks closely, moving water around the network if bursts do occur, and generally being ready to respond.

 “However, we would ask that our customers keep an eye on their pipes, report any leaks to us and let us know about any interruptions to their supply.

“Our call centres are going to be really busy, so we would ask people use our website to report leaks and only call us in an emergency.”

To inform Northumbrian Water of any leaks or bursts, customers can report them online, via www.nwl.co.uk/leaks

The company is also encouraging customers to use water wisely by checking out the water saving tips on the website.

Similar advice on the risk of burst pipes was issued by Peter Jenkins, director of campaigns at Water UK.

He said: “The recent freezing weather has been very disruptive to many people.

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“The last thing we want is for people to experience further disruption as temperatures rise this weekend, putting many homes at risk of burst pipes due to ‘freeze-thaw’.

“That’s why we’re urging everyone to check their water pipes are well insulated now and to follow our simple tips to protect homes against weather conditions.

“If you’re concerned about the impact of freeze-thaw or the cold weather, we encourage you to get in touch with your water company for further help and advice.”