A NEW children's book about the history of a ruin in County Durham has been made and illustrated by primary school pupils.

The not for profit group Dream Heritage CIC aims to transform unloved heritage, historic buildings, and community spaces into much loved community assets.

In the last year, Dream Heritage has been into Bearpark Primary School and taught pupils about Beaurepaire Medieval Manor House, a local ruin not far from the Lanchester railway path that leads from Broompark picnic area to Consett.

Classes 2 and 3 visited the ruins with Rebecca Watkins from Dream Heritage last winter. The two classes were then challenged to draw illustrations of Bearpark and Beaurepaire. These were collected and edited throughout the and used as part of a new children’s history book, titled 'We Live Here... Bearpark'.

Read more: How this County Durham village got its name (and it's got nothing to do with bears)

Bearpark Parish Council and resident George Burroughs sponsored the books to be published, allowing 50 free books to be provided to Bearpark Primary School - 20 for the children who had illustrated the book, and 30 for the school to have a full set to keep for whole classes.

Rebecca returned to Bearpark Primary School last month and walked down to Beaurepaire Ruins with the children who had illustrated the book.

The Northern Echo: Rebecca Watkins from Dream Heritage CIC reading the new children's history book to the children from Bearpark Primary SchoolRebecca Watkins from Dream Heritage CIC reading the new children's history book to the children from Bearpark Primary School (Image: DREAM HERITAGE CIC)

A telling and performance of the book was given in the ruins, and then the young people were allowed to explore and enjoy the site, followed by a 'mini-feast' back in the classroom.

Rebecca said: "Each child was awarded their own copy of the book, and were so excited to find their picture and their name. The room was buzzing and there were lots of smiling faces.

"We are so thankful to the school for their cooperation in all of this, and for inviting us to share more about Beaurepaire Medieval Ruins and their local history. We also appreciated all the parents who joined us on the day, and for all those who have shared such kind words about the work we’ve been doing in the schools and at the ruins.

"Our hope at Dream, is that those young people grow up with a greater sense of pride of place & belonging, and a renewed interest and love to look after their village and local heritage."

Dream Heritage leads the ‘Beaurepaire Volunteers’ group, who have restored the medieval ruins. They hold regular site gardening days to look after the site and always appreciate more volunteers.

The Northern Echo: Beaurepaire Volunteers and The City of Durham Trust, with John Lowe from the Trust presenting Rebecca Watkins from Dream Heritage & Beaurepaire Volunteers with a cheque towards signageBeaurepaire Volunteers and The City of Durham Trust, with John Lowe from the Trust presenting Rebecca Watkins from Dream Heritage & Beaurepaire Volunteers with a cheque towards signage (Image: DREAM HERITAGE CIC)

Rebecca added: "There is still so much work needing to be done at Beaurepaire, mainly the re-pointing of the ruins to consolidate them and further research and investigation into its history.

"We have signage which still needs to be erected for a number of walks leading to the ruins so that it is easier to find, and once again.

She thanked local councillor Cllr Marion Wilson, The City of Durham Trust, and the Durham AAP - for their gifts of funding - Tarmac for their donations of gravel, and The Paxtons for their permissions and help.

* Dream Heritage is looking for local shops and other vevues who may be interested in having copies of the children's book available for sale to raise funds for the group and its works. If you are interested then contact dreamheritagecic@gmail.com.

Dream Heritage CIC run a number of heritage projects, primarily across the North of England, to transform both heritage and communities, involving local residents, schools, the unemployed, those with disabilities, trainees and work experience students in restoring their local heritage.

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