A man who burgled his former partner’s home before sending an abusive message to a social worker has been given a chance to turn his life around.

James Wilson threatened to ‘put a bullet’ through the head of a member of social services if his children were taken into care, Teesside Crown Court heard.

The 20-year-old made the threat during a phone call the day after he broke into his ex-partner’s Darlington home.

Emma Atkinson, prosecuting, said the defendant was seen smashing his way into the woman’s house before running to his Audi and driving away.

The court heard how Wilson caused £500 worth of damage to the victim’s home the day before he made the threat during a telephone call.

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Miss Atkinson said: “He said ‘what are you taking my f****** kids for’ – he clearly didn’t give her an opportunity to speak and the next thing he said he went to the house to burgle it.

“He then said - ‘if them kids get took, I will put a bullet through a member of your staff’s forehead.”

Wilson, of Honeypot Lane, Darlington, pleaded guilty to burglary with intent and sending malicious communications on August 31 and September 1 this year.

In a letter to the judge, Wilson said: “I am really deeply and heartedly sorry to both my victims and their families. I understand the stress I must have caused to both families and I am really ashamed of the actions I have taken.”

Recorder Anthony Kelbrick sentenced the defendant to nine months in custody, suspended for 12 months for both offences.

He said: “What you did on that day was very upsetting for the victim and it is an offence committed within a domestic violence scenario and that aggravates your position.

“I have looked at it and consider it is a one-off situation as far as you are concerned.

Wilson was ordered to attend a programme to address domestic abuse issues, attend 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days and was fitted to a tag to monitor his alcohol consumption for the next 30 days.

He was also made subject to a five-year restraining order to protect his former partner.

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