A PROFESSIONAL pantomime dame headed back to his former school to mentor a young actor who is about to make his dame debut.

Stephen Longstaff held a workshop with sixth former Toby Watson, who is performing the role of the Duchess in Richmond School and Sixth Form College's forthcoming production of Alice in Wonderland: The Curious Pantomime.

Stephen demonstrated tricks of the trade to play the audience and ways to work the features of the dame’s elaborate costume for maximum comic value.

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He also shared tips about tone of voice and how both accents and pitch can be used to dramatic effect, depending on the mood of a particular scene.

Toby quickly picked up how to vary his voice, as well as using exaggerated gestures and melodramatic expressions to get into character.

Stephen also gave advice on how to adapt to wearing a dress and walking in high heels, although Toby was a step ahead of him as he has been practising walking and posture in heels since July.

He is wearing ‘skyscraper’ four-inch sequined stiletto heels which initially he could only bear to wear for a few minutes. However, after religiously wearing them day in and day out, he has adjusted to the alien shape of the shoe, overcome the initial pain and adapted his posture to accommodate his additional height!

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Toby, 16, who is studying theatre studies, English literature and English language A-levels, said: “Although I have performed in many productions in the past, this is my first experience of pantomime and I’m loving it! The slapstick humour, double-entendres and liveliness of the script are fabulous. The cast is having so much fun and it is infectious so I am sure it will spread to the audience. I have really appreciated Stephen giving up his time to mentor me, it has been a privilege to learn from a professional dame with over 20 years’ experience.”

Stephen is a farmer’s son with his own stonemasonry and building business and a love of breeding Dales’ ponies and restoring vintage tractors – not your stereotypical pantomime dame!

Stephen said: “I performed on stage for the first time at Ravensworth School aged 11 and I’ve never looked back. I helped to start the Dalton Amateur Dramatics’ Society in 1999 and have done their pantos every year since, working my way up from being the front end of the cow to the dame. My first professional pantomime was in 2017 and I subsequently auditioned for The Majestic Theatre in Darlington and have been their resident dame for four years, doing four pantos each year.”

“Toby is going to make a terrific dame – he already has impeccable comic timing and is all set to work the audience and appreciates the value of ad-libbing – I can’t wait to see him!”

The lead role of Alice is being played by 17-year-old Georgie O’Reilly, who has plans to pursue a career in performing arts. With a number of significant roles under her belt, Georgie is a talented all-round performer who is an excellent dancer, actor and singer and she has applied to study musical theatre at university next year.

The show is being directed by Danni Manning, lead teacher for Drama, and Stephen Birdsall, Drama teacher, who said: “The students have been working incredibly hard and the show has all the essential ingredients that we have all grown to expect and love from a panto – plus a few more sprinkled in! With Covid preventing our 2020 production from going ahead, Alice promises to be a colourful, riotous and spectacular song and dance extravaganza bursting with slapstick comedy, lots of silly costumes and bags of audience participation and, of course, a ‘happily ever after’ show-stopping finale.”

Jenna Potter, Headteacher, added: “I taught Stephen German many years ago when he was in his first few years with us. It was wonderful to welcome him back to school to work with Toby and pass on his panto dame expertise.”

Alice in Wonderland runs for three nights from November 30 to December 2. Tickets are priced £9 for adults, £7 for children (age 16 and under) or £30 for a family ticket.

They are available from https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/richmond-school-and-sixth-form-college.

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