A disabled man who lost his temper and chased a gang of youths in his car after they tormented him has appeared in court.

Charles Hammond, who suffers with a number of medical issues, was regularly targeted by local youths before he saw red and pursued the gang through the streets of Middlesbrough, Teesside Crown Court heard.

The 44-year-old was subjected to abuse and made several complaints to Cleveland Police about their behaviour in the run up to the incident on June 19 last year.

Dr Chris Wood, prosecuting, said the defendant drove the wrong direction along a one-way street before causing several pedestrians to jump to safety when he mounted the kerb near the Psyche store on Linthorpe Road.

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He told the court that when police searched his car officers recovered an axe stashed in a box underneath some clothing in the boot of Hammond’s Seat car but accepted the tool had not been used at all during the incident.

Hammond, of Valley Road, Middlesbrough, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and possession of a bladed article.

Jonathan Gittins, in mitigation, said his client had endured torrent of abuse from the bang of youths and had called police on a number of occasions for help to deal with their behaviour.

He added: “This incident came after a number of weeks of torment and abuse from a number of youths.

“It was a one-off incident on his part – he simply lost his temper.”

Mr Gittins sad the defendant had one of his legs surgically removed as a consequence of one of his medical conditions.

Judge Jonathan Carroll told the defendant that he would not be punished for have the axe in his car because it never left his vehicle during the incident.

Dealing with the dangerous driving offence, he said: “I can be satisfied that this was a one-off.”

The judge declined the opportunity to ban Hammond from driving telling the defendant that his medical conditions were a mitigating factor in his decision.

Hammond was sentenced to six-months in custody, suspended for 18 months. He was also ordered to attend 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days and an alcohol treatment programme.

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