A violent thug who threw a computer monitor at a heavily pregnant woman and held her at knifepoint has been jailed.

Phillip Brown threw the object with such force that the woman's jaw was broken, and her teeth dislodged during the horrific attack in April 2012.

In a separate incident, Brown also wrongly accused the woman of cheating on him and imprisoned her in a house for ten hours where he threatened her with a knife.

The woman was so distressed and scarred by the incident that, for weeks after, her parents would sit at the end of her road in their car in case Brown turned up.

Read more: Man arrested after driving car into Co op shop in Wynyard

In a victim impact statement, the woman said she was in fear of her life as a result of Brown’s actions.

“It is hard for me to convey how much of an effect the abuse from Phillip has had on my life,” she said.

“Years later I can still vividly remember the fear and panic I felt at that time, and it doesn’t take a lot to bring the traumatising feelings back to the surface.

“I have suffered with extremely vivid nightmares that involve being trapped in a house with Phillip, trying again and again to escape but never managing to.”

She said she lost her confidence and self-worth following Brown’s attacks, which have left her unable to trust people fully.

“I will never be the same person I was before I met Phillip,” she said. “But I hope that the sentencing today will help to bring me some closure and I can attempt to move on with my life.”

Brown was found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm with intent and false imprisonment following a trial at Teesside Crown Court.

The 38-year-old of Dodds Street, Darlington, appeared at court on Tuesday (November 1) where he was jailed for 15 years.   

Following the sentencing, Investigative Officer Heidi Weir from Darlington Safeguarding Team, who led the police investigation, praised the victim for her “brave and courageous” evidence.

“This case involved violence that happened several years ago, but with the help of medical evidence we were able to secure the conviction and get justice for the victim,” she said.

“The woman and her family have suffered extensively as a result of Brown’s actions, and during the trial, but they have been extremely brave and courageous throughout.

“I hope that this result will enable the family to move on and start to rebuild their lives.

“If you or someone you know is suffering at the hands of an abuser, please know that you are not alone – there are people who can and will help you.”

Call police on 999 if there is an immediate threat. If you are unable to speak you can use the Silent Solutions service and directed by an automated system to press “55” if you need help.

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