A North East woman has received a pay out from an NHS trust after she was left permanently disabled after suffering an injury at birth.

Ellie-Jayne Gunn from Redcar’s left shoulder became stuck at birth and had to be freed by medics at the then South Cleveland Hospital, leaving her born with a floppy left arm.

The now 23-year-old was diagnosed with Erb’s palsy – a type of paralysis caused when nerves in the arm become damaged.

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Ellie-Jayne underwent physiotherapy and surgery on her arm during her childhood, when she says she was bullied at school because of her condition. She has been left with restricted movement in her left arm, can’t rotate her wrist properly and finds lifting objects difficult.

The Northern Echo: Ellie-Jayne underwent physiotherapy and surgery when she was younger.Ellie-Jayne underwent physiotherapy and surgery when she was younger. (Image: PR)

She said: “I’ve always struggled with my arm. My left shoulder droops and I have limited mobility in my left arm and wrist. I can’t raise my left arm above shoulder height, put it behind my back and my forearm requires support to properly turn my wrist.

“Growing up I struggled to do things such as dressing myself and was reliant on my Mum. However, I found ways to adapt and manage.

“Throughout school I was often teased about my arm and during secondary school the bullying became worse. I tried to ignore it and not let it affect me but it was difficult. However, the counselling sessions helped me a lot. It changed how I saw bullies and how I could stand up for myself.”

Now the Redcar woman has won an out of court settlement from South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust after employing lawyers to investigate her care at birth.

The Northern Echo: Ellie-Jayne recently graduated with a 2:1 in biomedical sciences at York St John University.Ellie-Jayne recently graduated with a 2:1 in biomedical sciences at York St John University. (Image: PR)

Lawyers argued hospital staff caused her injuries by using excessive and inappropriate force to her head and neck while her shoulder was stuck.

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The trust denied liability but agreed an out of court settlement for an undisclosed amount, which will fund the ongoing specialist support and therapies she needs for her condition.

Alexis Tulloch, a specialist medical negligence lawyer at legal firm Irwin Mitchell who represented her case, said: “Erb’s Palsy often results from medical staff using excessive force on a baby’s shoulder during birth, often making many everyday tasks, such as dressing, personal care and playing sports, difficult.

“The effect on people’s lives usually becomes more apparent as they get older and should never be downplayed.

The Northern Echo: Ellie-Jayne Gunn.Ellie-Jayne Gunn. (Image: PR)

“Ellie-Jayne and her family have faced an incredibly difficult time coming to terms with her diagnosis and the impact it’s had.

“We’re pleased to have secured her this settlement, which will help her access the specialist support she requires.

“It’s great to hear Ellie Jayne’s determination not to be defined by her condition and how she’s looking to the future so positively.”

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