A pervert who repeatedly sexually assaulted two young girls when he was a teenager has heard the devastating impact his abuse had on his victims.

Brad Simpson systematically abused the two girls over a protracted period when he was aged between 14 and 20.

Teesside Crown Court heard how his abuse left the two victims struggling with anger issues and feeling unable to trust anybody.

Dr Christopher Wood, prosecuting, said the youngest victim suffered the most significant abuse after Simpson assaulted her when she was under the age of ten.

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Giving a victim impact, the woman said: “I need to tell him exactly how he has made me feel and how he has affected my body.

“I don’t think he will be bothered but I need to tell him how bad this has been for me for so many years. I was terrified of Brad and so upset by what he had done.

“I have always known it was not fault and I couldn’t control it.”

Dr Wood said the now 28-year-old sexually assaulted the second youngster when she was under 13 and continued until she turned 13.

The Northern Echo: Brad Simpson. Picture: CLEVELAND POLICEBrad Simpson. Picture: CLEVELAND POLICE (Image: Cleveland Police)

The second victim told the judge: “I have suffered for years with the feelings this has caused. For a number of years, I have been taking medication that leaves me bed bound.

“I have tried to get on with my life but this has hold of me and is always in my head.”

Simpson, of Tarring Street, Stockton, was fond guilty of nine offences on the two victims, including sexual assault on a child under 13 by penetration and sexual assault on a child under 13.

Jonathan Walker, in mitigation, said his client was a young man when he carried out the offences and he had not committed any similar sexual offending during his life.

Judge Timothy Stead jailed Simpson for a total of six years and nine months for all offences and ordered that it be served consecutively to a sentence the defendant is already serving for violence.

“This was extensive repeat offending against both victims and that shows the gravity of your offending,” he said.

“I’m satisfied that at all times you committed these offences, you knew exactly what you were doing, you knew it was sexual and you knew it was wrong.”

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