A TATOOIST was ordered to pay £400 compensation for giving a man two black eyes in a street brawl whilst roaring like King Kong.

Bradley Wellard, 28, who has a tattooing and body-piercing business, had been drinking vodka and cokes at a friend's house when he became involved in a street brawl.

An eye-witness to the attack in Redcar told a judge that Wellard let out a "King Kong" roar as he sat astride victim Robert Winward in the middle of the road before punching and kicking him.

Security officer David Spall said that he was so shocked by the attack on Mr Winward who appeared to be unconscious that he got out of bed, dressed and went out to remonstrate with him.

But a woman intervened and Wellard was able to drive away in his car before he was booked by police for driving with nearly three times the legal alcohol limit.

Mr Spall told Judge Les Spittle that he saw Wellard kick Mr Winward in the head as he lay motionless and not resisting.

Wellard denied kicking, but after a hearing of evidence from witnesses, the judge ruled at Teesside Crown Court that Wellard had delivered one kick.

Mr Spall told the court earlier of his view of Harwal Road, Redcar, from his bedroom window: "There was no movement from the man on the floor.

"It got a little bit out of hand. He (Wellard) made a roar Aargh, I don't mean to be funny, but it sounded like King Kong, and he started punching him with both fists to his face. The other lad was not moving at all.

"I thought he had had enough and I opened the window and shouted 'Oi, you daft ----, clear off, he's had enough'. He didn't stop. I came back in, put my jeans on and he was stood over him and started kicking him in the head. It was clear to me that the lad was knocked out.

"A young blonde lass came out of one of the flats and started hitting him and he pushed her away . I went over as he jumped in his car. I was angry myself, and it was probably a good job that I did not get to him."

Wellard, who has run his tattooist business for six years, told the court that it started after his nine-year-old daughter was frightened by Mr Winward's friend drunkenly messing her hair. The friend left but Mr Winward later tackled him about it.

He said :"I did not kick him, I did punch him.

"I did react totally wrong. I have seen him in the town since and we both apologised.

"I wish I could turn the clock back but I can't."

Paul Newcombe, defending, said: "The defendant has always been consistent that while he has done and been in the wrong, although he has punched he has never kicked.

"He has no record for violence and he has never gone so far off the leash and off control."

The judge told father of two Wellard: "I found Mr Spall an impressive witness, honest and truthful.

"He was the only one involved who had not had a drink at all.

"The courts cannot countenance anybody taking the law into their own hands particularly by using violence."

Wellard of Ayton Drive, Redcar, was given a 12 month jail sentence suspended for two years with supervision, 150 hours unpaid work for the community, ordered to pay £400 compensation to Mr Winward, and disqualified from driving for two years with a two year conditional discharge after he pleaded guilty to the September 22 actual bodily harm assault and driving with excess alcohol.