CHILDREN have given their village a boost through their excellent performances in the classroom.

Pupils at Ludworth Primary School, near Durham City, have helped it win and outstanding rating - the highest level - from Government inspectors with a near clean-sweep of top grades.

This latest success comes after the school achieved excellent results in 11-year-old Sat tests, in which the pupils achieved 100 per cent success in English, maths and science.

Headteacher Barrie Ivil said: "This success has given the whole community a lift. People in the village are talking proudly of the school's achievement.

"I am delighted with the report provided by the Ofsted inspectors.

At Ludworth, we work hard to make every child in the school feel outstanding.

"Staff and governors have high aspirations for every member of the school community. We are all very proud of what the school has achieved.

"We realise that this remarkable success must not make us complacent, and we're already looking forward to new challenges."

Parents of the school's 98 pupils have been sent copies of the report, written by inspector Andrew Scott. He wrote: "Ludworth Primary is an outstanding school. Its high aspirations for all pupils, excellent care and support for them and very effective teaching enable pupils to thrive.

"Pupils' personal development is outstanding and prepares them extremely well for life ahead.

Their self-esteem and admirable work ethic are a tribute to the school's philosophy, care and sheer hard work.

"The high level of care for pupils is typified by the school's eagerness to involve families in their children's education. Within school, there is always a friendly ear to listen to pupils' concerns."

He added: "The school's success is due firmly to the excellent leadership of the headteacher. He is very capably and energetically supported by the assistant headteacher and by the enthusiastic contribution of governors."