A gang of suspected fraudsters fleeced several pensioners of their life savings while posing as bogus coppers, a court has heard.

Scammers posing as Scotland Yard officers persuaded them in a series of phone calls to hand over thousands of pounds to couriers for the cash to be put into "safe" accounts.

Two Darlington pensioners are among the victims who withdrew thousands of pounds in cash before handing it over to couriers who called at their homes in the early hours of the morning.

Teesside Crown Court heard how the men also bought Rolex watches for the suspected gang members with one of them losing more £120,000 to fraudsters in September 2020.

The victims were telephoned over a number of days by men claiming to be Fraud Squad officers from the Yard who told them that their bank accounts had been compromised, and to replace the receiver and to call 999.

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But the scammers had kept the line open, and the victims were then in the hands of fake officers who told them to empty their bank accounts and hand the money over to police couriers for it to be deposited in new safe bank accounts.

The alleged fraud only came to an end when a building society manager became suspicious and police were able to arrest one of the couriers at the home of one of the Darlington victims.

Over the next few days in September 2020, more people were arrested in Coventry and London as officers gathered evidence of the location of mobile phones and vehicles connected to the suspects.

During his police interview, one of the Darlington pensioners said he would wrap the cash up in tape before handing it over to the couriers when they called at his home.

Jurors heard how he gave the fraudsters almost £20,000.

Matthew Bean, prosecuting, said: "Officers were at his home when he received a number of calls and they were aware that a courier was to arrive at his home to collect the cash.

“When the courier rang the doorbell, it was answered by a police officer and the woman was arrested."

The court heard how one man was instructed by a Sergeant Douglas to package £6,000 and various amounts in foreign currency and another was told to buy a Rolex watch and to hand that over.

The victim told officers that he had been instructed to £26,500 on a Rolex watch after being persuaded to visit a jewellery store in Darlington.

Two men and two women, Awais Zaman, 23, and 26-year-old Arris Qumar, both from Coventry; Sheronica Davis Mitchell, 26, from Lewisham, London; and 25-year-old Mya Haskins from Rugby; have pleaded not guilty to conspiracy to dishonestly make false representation to make gain for themselves.

The trial continues.