A TEENAGE boy was locked up indefinitely yesterday after he almost beheaded a man with a knife in an attack from behind.

The Recorder of Middlesbrough, Judge Peter Fox said that baby-faced Dylan Russell, from Hartlepool, was a serious risk to the public.

The judge said that it was only thanks to doctors that 23-year-old Wayne Rogan's life was saved.

Russell, who was 15 when he carried out the early morning attack in Jobson Street, Hartlepool, on October 24, had a previous conviction for carrying a lock knife in public.

Russell and his brother, Michael, 20, were drunk when they attacked the home of Mr Rogan's girlfriend.

Rupert Doswell, prosecuting, told Teesside Crown Court that when they returned, Dylan Russell had a knife and his brother was carrying a samurai sword.

The judge told Dylan Russell: "What you did to Wayne Rogan could so easily, but for the wonders of modern medical science, have ended his life.

"The wounds which you inflicted to his neck could so easily have severed his head from his body. It was deep and it was long."

Robin Turton, mitigating, said that Russell was shocked by what he had done.

He added: "This is a young man who, when he is not drunk, can impress people with his drive and diligence."

The brothers, both of Murray Street, Hartlepool, were initially accused of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, charges which they denied.

Dylan Russell was found guilty and Michael Russell was found not guilty. Both were convicted of affray and of possessing an offensive weapon.

Dylan Russell was sentenced to detention for an indefinite period and he was ordered to serve at least three years before he can be considered for parole.

Michael Russell was sentenced to 12 months in a young offenders' institution.

Wayne Rogan was jailed for three-and-a half years yesterday for a street robbery he committed only 19 days after he received the wounds. Teesside Crown Court was told that he was unmoved by the injuries suffered by his victim, James Taylor, 21.

Rogan was believed to have an accomplice in mugging the black belt kickboxer, who was attacked in Catcote Road, Hartlepool.

Rogan, of Jobson Street, Hartlepool, admitted the robbery, on November 12, of a mobile phone and £20 cash.