A Teesside based charity helping vulnerable people has had its services side lined after mindless vandals smashed one of its vehicles.

Stockton-based A Way Out has been left to count the cost of the damage after the driver’s side window of its outreach van was smashed meaning crucial outreach services will be undeliverable for at least a week.

Kay Nicolson, the charity’s chief executive, said: “Having our van out of action for at least a week has a significant impact on the vital services we deliver to vulnerable women across Teesside.

“Daytime and evening outreach has been cancelled and these sessions are extremely important and allow us to engage with those in our communities who are at risk of further harm and exploitation. 

"Everyone is feeling the impact of an increase in the cost of living and not having our van impacts us as we are not able to meet women at their point of need.”

The Northern Echo:

The vandalism incident comes after the charity’s previous van was stolen in 2021, with service delivery impacted for a number of months until funding was raised for a replacement.

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