RE Councillor Mark Wilkes' letter about the unitary authority for County Durham (HAS, Feb 5). The paucity of policy and the negative comment is typical of the Liberal Democrats.

The Labour Party is positive about making local government more efficient by reducing the layers of local councils, thereby cutting the number of councillors by twothirds.

The referendum that Coun Wilkes quotes was primarily about regional government, not a unitary authority.

In Teesdale, we welcome the unitary council. Durham has delivered its services well, as proved by the council's ratings, and we look forward to all our services being delivered by one efficient council.

Our local campaign will strongly focus on the measures that will bring the new council closer to the people. That means local offices as a contact point for all of the council's departments; Area Action Partnerships to work with local communities, with local funds being spent locally.

There will be emphasis on offering new technology methods for those who want to use them, bringing Durham closer to the people, as well as the more traditional methods of contact for those who prefer them.

Parish and town councils will also be encouraged to increase their local role when feasible.

Phil Hunt, Secretary, Barnard Castle Labour Party, Co Durham.