A drink-driver has been given a suspended prison sentence after she crashed into a parked vehicle on the harbourside while more than four times over the limit.

Joanne Hindmarch, 47, was driving a blue Peugeot van on the Harbourside at Whitehaven when she crashed into an unattended parked vehicle just before 2pm on Sunday.

She was breathalysed at the roadside and gave a reading of 158mcg. She was breathalysed again at Workington Police Station and gave a reading of 134mcg.

The legal limit is 35mcg. The defendant, of Newriggs, Washington, pleaded guilty to driving with alcohol level above the limit.

Magistrates said only a custodial sentence could be justified due to the high reading and “unacceptable standard of driving” and because she was involved in an accident and damaged another car.

Hindmarch was sentenced to eight weeks in custody, suspended for 12 months, and was banned from driving for 36 months.

She must complete a three-month alcohol treatment requirement and 15 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

She was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £154 victim surcharge.


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