Uniform rules have been relaxed at schools across Darlington as staff prepare for the hot weather.

Numerous primary and secondary schools across the borough have announced that pupils do not need to wear their school uniforms on Monday and Tuesday this week as temperatures are set to soar to as high as 41C in parts of England.

It is the first time the Met Office has issued a 'red' alert and has warned the rising temperatures could disrupt emergency services and travel.

However, the Department for Education is not advising schools to close. A spokesperson said: “There is clear Government guidance available online to help school staff look after children in the hot weather, including the use of ventilation, keeping children hydrated and avoiding vigorous physical activity for pupils.

“Individual school leaders are responsible for managing their own local circumstances, but we are not advising schools to close.”

Here’s what schools in Darlington have said:

The Northern Echo:

Haughton Academy – “Due to the predicted extremely hot weather on Monday & Tuesday this week, the academy has decided to relax the uniform requirements for those 2 days only.

“In addition to blazers not being required to be worn, ties are also not required. Their top button can be undone and shirt sleeves rolled up. No PE kit to be worn. Please ensure pupils have lots of water and wear sunscreen.”

Wyvern Academy – “All students may wear their PE kits (this can also be a plain white T-shirt) or for classroom based activities no blazers or ties required. However, please bear in mind these are not non-uniform days. We also recommend students to bring sun lotion, a hat and lots of water or refillable bottles. We have made adjustments to planned activities including moving out of the hotter classrooms.”

The Northern Echo: Wyvern Academy in Branksome, Darlington. Picture: SARAH CALDECOTTWyvern Academy in Branksome, Darlington. Picture: SARAH CALDECOTT

Longfield Academy – “Pupils will be able to fill their water bottles before school, at break time and lunchtime and after school. I would be grateful if you could ensure you discuss this with your child. Pupils will not be allowed to leave lessons to fill up water bottles. It may be advisable for your child to bring two water bottles to school on Monday and Tuesday to ensure they have enough water for the duration of each day.

“In terms of school uniform, I have spoken to colleagues across the town in the secondary sector, the majority of which do not have summer uniform in place and the concession that they will be making is the removal of ties, school jumpers and blazers from their school uniforms with pupils remaining in short sleeves.

"As a school, we are already ahead of the curve in this area and have been for a number of years so we will not be making any further uniform concessions for Monday and Tuesday and of course on Wednesday, pupils will be in sports wear for Sports Day. I am confident we will have an enjoyable end to the school year with us all enjoying the end of year activities.”

The Northern Echo:

Beaumont Hill Academy – “Please be reminded, pupils can attend school in shorts and t-shirts over the next two days during the hot weather.

“We also encourage pupils to wear Caps when travelling to and from school. Please ensure a water bottle is sent in with your child which can be re-filled throughout the day and ensure your child has sun cream applied before attending school.

“Sun cream can be sent in with your child in a bottle marked with their name and class.

Children will be provided with drinking water throughout the day and will be reminded to drink to keep hydrated.”

St Aidan’s CE Academy – “In anticipation of the rising temperatures, please can we remind pupils of the importance of staying hydrated. Pupils are asked to bring in a refillable water bottle, which can be used throughout the day.

“Due to the high temperatures, pupils are not expected to wear their blazers.”

Carmel College – “We have therefore made the decision in a bid to keep our students cool that blazers and ties should not be worn in College from Monday 18th July until Wednesday 20th July, the last day of the summer term.

“We also recognise that black opaque tights may be too warm for the temperatures and in accordance with our uniform policy accept that socks may be worn.”

The Northern Echo: Carmel College Carmel College

Hummersknott Academy – “Students do not need to wear a tie or a blazer, however, they must wear the rest of the uniform correctly

“Lunches and breaks will go ahead outside so students need to bring water, suntan lotion and a hat as they feel appropriate. There is plenty of shade available outside and the queuing area for lunch is also in shade.

"Water bottles can be replenished during the day from the water fountains around school to ensure they keep hydrated. Please be aware we do not have a supply of suntan lotion in school to give to students if they do not bring their own so it is vital they come prepared for the weather.

“All doors and windows will be kept open during lessons to allow as much air to circulate as possible around the building.”

Firthmoor Academy – “To ensure the safety and wellbeing of all pupils next week, please note; Parents should apply sun cream liberally on their child before coming to school. Children may bring their own sun cream, which they must apply themselves and must not be shared with other pupils. Children may wear PE kit for the last 3 days of the term. All children should bring a sun hat/cap to school.

“Water will be freely available at school throughout the day. Children will not take part in strenuous PE lessons or remain outside for any prolonged period.

“School will remain open as normal to all pupils.”

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