York's binmen are still barred from wearing shorts today, even as the city prepares for its hottest ever weather - but it's a different story just to the east of York.

While City of York Council insists on thick, heavy protective trousers despite the heatwave, East Riding of Yorkshire Council says ITS staff can wear shorts at this time of year.

It said“We are mindful of our refuse staff and all our staff working outside during the hot weather. We urge them to take extra care, but obviously the job still has to be done.

“Our refuse staff can wear shorts at this time of year, and we supply them with sunscreen for them to apply.

“We also advise them to wear caps, take regular breaks and stay hydrated. They can also work their shifts earlier if they want to avoid the hottest parts of the day.”

York council announced on Friday that its refuse collectors could start work earlier than normal today and tomorrow to avoid the worst of the heat, but said nothing about its no shorts policy.

Binman Lee Moran, who wore a kilt last Monday in protest at the shorts ban, said the council was reviewing the policy but wouldn't change it in time for this week's heatwave, when temperatures are forecast to rise to 39C in York tomorrow - hotter than ever recorded before in the UK.

He argued that shorts could be safely worn while collecting wheelie bins, while admitting that protective trousers could be needed while collecting recycling boxes and bin bags.

James Gilchrist, Director Environment, Transport and Planning, said:“As temperatures reach extremely high levels, residents and visitors are reminded to keep themselves safe and cool. Best ways to do this include drinking plenty of liquids, avoiding being outside during the peak temperatures, and wearing sun cream, hats and loose clothing.

“We will continue to monitor temperature levels and make any adjustments required to ensure we can continue to deliver services and support residents, whilst keeping our teams safe.

"One such step we are taking is, for example, beginning waste and recycling collections earlier than usual on Monday and Tuesday, starting at 6am.

"We are asking residents to leave their containers outside the evening before collections to make sure our teams do not have to work during the hottest time of the day.”