A pair of crack cocaine dealers were caught when they acted suspiciously during routine police stop.

Connor Brown’s legs were shaking when the officer pulled over Rebecca McCarthy’s car as they were driving through Stockton almost two years ago.

Teesside Crown Court heard how it was Brown’s nervous disposition that resulted in the officers carrying out a search of the couple and their vehicle.

Officers recovered three mobile phones and crack cocaine with a street value of £530 as a result of the stop on Wrensfield Road in the earlier of September 5 in 2020.

The court heard how the home of the pair was also searched and no other drugs were recovered.

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Brown, 27, pleaded guilty to possession of a Class A drug with intent to supply and being concerned in the supply of crack cocaine between March and September 2020, while 30-year-old McCarthy pleaded guilty to the latter charge only.

Victoria Lamballe, on behalf of Brown, said her client had turned his life around since his arrest and moved out of the Stockton area but accepted he faced a custodial sentence after turning to dealing to fund his own cocaine habit.

She added: “He maintains that he became involved in the supply of Class A drugs primarily as a means to fund his own addiction to cocaine. It began as a debt to a dealer and progressed to the defendant supply drugs for a number of months.”

The Northern Echo: Connor Brown. Picture: CLEVELAND POLICEConnor Brown. Picture: CLEVELAND POLICE

Paul Green, in mitigation for McCarthy, said his client was now in work and had been promoted twice since she started working for the company.

He added: “She understands she risks losing all of that today and she understands that is a direct result of her behaviour.”

Judge Timothy Stead jailed Brown, of McMullen Road, Darlington, for three years and three months for his role in the illicit enterprise.

Addressing Brown, the judge said: “What you have done is fallen into drug trafficking, it’s as simple as that. Of all the drugs to traffic it is as bad as it gets.”

The judge sentenced McCarthy, of the same address, to a two-year prison sentence, suspended for 12 months.

“If you don’t do as you’re required on this order or you commit a further offence you will be brought back here and you will have this sentence to start with,” he said.

“There’s not many people who walk free from this court for trafficking crack cocaine – so don’t spoil it for other people.”

McCarthy was also placed on a curfew for 50 days, ordered to attend 15 rehabilitation activity requirement days and pay £240 towards court costs.

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