A NORTH-EAST golf club has continued a tree-planting programme thanks to the support of charity fundraisers.

A £1,200 donation from Darlington Lions Club enabled 19 trees to be planted at Blackwell Grange Golf Club, in Darlington.

The trees, of various species, have been planted along the border of the tenth fairway, with a plaque unveiled to commemorate the charity’s generosity.

Blackwell Grange Golf Club captain, Dicky Parker, said: “If you’re having a bad round of golf, you might as well do it in nice surroundings and Blackwell has always been known for being an attractive course.

“Around 40 trees have been planted since the start of the year and this is the latest stage of that ongoing commitment to enhancing the course. We can’t thank Darlington Lions Club enough for their support.”

A tree-planting development programme has been underway at the club since the amalgamation of Blackwell Grange and Stressholme golf clubs in 2013.

Representatives of Darlington Lions Club attended the unveiling of the plaque, which is engraved with the message: “May the environment flourish.”

Lions President Neil Anderson said: “We are delighted to have been able to make this donation in support of the environment.”