More people than ever are coming forward as the victims of honour-based violence, a North East charity has said.

But there are gaps in services meant to help them.

The Halo Project, which is based in Middlesbrough and supports survivors of honour-based abuse, says the pandemic has led to a surge of people coming forward to seek help.

Yasmin Khan, who founded the charity, said: “We are seeing a tsunami of victims coming forward who have been extremely traumatised.

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“This pandemic has exposed such inequalities and gaps in services, and a lot of staff are burnt out.”

She believes the issue is more prevalent than official Home Office figures suggest. 

Thursday (July 14) marks the National Day of Remembrance for Honour Based Violence (July 14th), and the Halo Project, is calling on victims to spot the signs, report the crime and get the right support.

What is honour-based violence?

There is no specific offence of ‘honour’-based violence. But, the Crown Prosecution Service describes it as an incident or crime “which has, or may have, been committed to protect or defend the ‘honour’ of the family and or the community.”

Honour-based abuse, although not defined in law, refers to where the concept of ‘honour’ has been used to carry out an offence, such as female genital mutilation (FGM), forced marriage, or honour killings.

Based in North East England, the Halo Project, which is funded by the National Lottery, has given support to more than 3,000 survivors of honour based abuse since 2011, by providing services such as emergency accommodation, language support, legal advocacy, and a national helpline.

What does the Halo Project do? 

Honour-based abuse survivor S*, whose name is not being used to protect her identity, sought help from the Halo Project last year. Having been abused and controlled by her husband, the charity put together a safety plan and provided her with a refuge.

“They gave me a plan B and they gave someone I can share everything with,” she said.

“A caseworker used to sit and listen to me for a long time and it really made a difference.

“People should not be scared to come forward because of their culture. People should know where to ask for help.”

The Northern Echo: Yasmin Khan, from the Halo Project Yasmin Khan, from the Halo Project

Many survivors they work with are aged between 16 and 24.

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“Organisations like ours are so important as the steppingstone for survivors to get the services that they deserve,” Yasmin said.

“Everyone who comes through our doors is uniquely different; we can’t give them a one size fits all service.

“It's about tailoring our services to meet their needs and we've become real experts in the field, not only for victims, but also for public bodies who need our insight to improve.”

The Halo Project has been involved in a systematic review of police forces in England and Wales, which will result in a published report later this year.

Many survivors feel there is no way out and Yasmin said the charity has worked with individuals who have tried to take their own life as a result. She added:  “Survivors have told us: ‘You've saved my life. You've turned my life around.’

“When they come to our service, that might be their only chance. And we've got to get it right the first time.”

The Halo Project’s long-term aim is to build a ‘zero-tolerance’ approach to honour-based abuse and ‘eradicate’ gender-based violence.

'It was my start for a new life'

N*, a survivor of domestic abuse, was supported by the Halo Project last year to find legal representation and secure a divorce with her abusive husband, who is no longer allowed to come into contact with her or her children.

“My mental health was not good, so their help was very, very important,” she said. “It was my start for a new life.”

The Northern Echo:

She urges other women to not wait for their abusive partners to change, saying: “I waited 13 years and nothing happened. The help I received from Halo was my start, and they will be in my mind all my life.

“Now, everything is okay and I have plans for my future and my children.”

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Yasmin added: “The National Lottery has been absolutely amazing in understanding our project needs and developing them with us, and really meeting the gaps in services.

“This funding has acted like a safe passage for other funders to come on board, because it shows we are credible and have a history of external funding. That has been a real positive for us.”

National Lottery players raise more than £30million a week for good causes, making projects such as these possible. Find out more at:


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