A NEW headteacher has used a school prom to pay tribute to a “fantastic” year group for overcoming challenges to achieve their aims.

Angela Sweeten, who recently took over at Longfield Academy, in Darlington, said the outgoing students had shown “great dedication” despite the difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“They have focused on achieving their grades and the student leaders have played a pivotal role in all areas of school life,” said Mrs Sweeten, who has brought a wealth of experience to the school.

Phillipa Rutter, Academy Administration Manager, added: “They have been the best year group I have worked with – so positive and helpful during a difficult time.”

Head Boy Charlie Stephenson, who has ambitions to be an astro or nuclear physicist, said: “Covid was difficult, but we had really supportive teachers and there’s been a definite improvement at the school since Mrs Sweeten came in.”

Head Girl Ellie Overton said: “There have been ups and downs but, as a year group, we’ve got through it and I’m leaving with the best group of friends I could have wished for.

“The new head teacher has been a big help and worked with us a lot to create a better atmosphere in the school. I’ll miss it a lot.”

Student leader Nicole Graham added “It’s been a good five years and the teaching staff couldn’t be faulted. The school has definitely improved since the new head teacher came in, and the general atmosphere has been nicer.”