City of Durham Labour MP Mary Kelly Foy has said she is delighted that neither she nor her team have a case to answer following the so-called Beergate saga.

She was reacting to news that Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and his deputy Angela Rayner have not been handed fixed-penalty notices for allegedly breaching lockdown regulations on a trip to Durham last year.

Read more: Beergate: Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner NOT issued with fixed penalty notice

Ms Kelly Foy said: "I am delighted Durham police have investigated and concluded that neither I or my team have a case to answer in relation to the work visit in Durham om
30th April 2021.

"I would like to thank officers for their professionalism and diligence throughout the investigation.

The Northern Echo:

"However, it is unfortunate that the desire of some Conservative politicians to score political points has led to so much of Durham Police's time being focused on a matter that was already investigated, especially when their resources are already under significant pressure.

"After the pressure of the last few months, I am enormously appreciative for the understanding my staff and their families have shown in the face of significant intrusion from the right wing media, including their children and parents being doorstepped.

"Now that this matter has been put to rest, I will continue to focus my efforts on serving my constituents both in Durham and in Westminster, as well as on holding what is left of this shambolic government to account during this cost of living crisis.

"I would like to thank my solicitor, Martin Howe of Howe + Co for their advice and guidance in this high profile matter."

What Keir Starmer has said

Sir Keir Starmer tweeted: “I’ve always said no rules were broken when I was in Durham. The police have completed their investigation and agreed: there is no case to answer. For me, this was always a matter of principle. Honesty and integrity matter. You will always get that from me.”

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