A man has denied causing grievous bodily harm with intent arising from an assault on a fellow gig-goer after an Ed Sheeran concert in Sunderland, last month.

But James Oxley has admitted the slightly less serious charge of unlawful wounding/causing grievous bodily harm, on the victim, a man in his 40s.

The incident is said to have taken place between the main entrance and the club shop, outside the Stadium of Light, as the second and final concert in Sunderland on Ed Sheeran’s 2022 tour reached a close, at about 10pm on Saturday June 4.

Kevin Wardlaw, prosecuting, told Newcastle Crown Court that following a verbal dispute between the victim and the defendant, who was with his wife, Oxley is alleged to have delivered two blows on the “extremely intoxicated” injured party, the second of which was said to have been particularly “forceful”, as other members of the public went to the man’s aid.

Christopher Knox, representing the defendant, claimed the complainant was drunk and aggressive and had earlier spat at his client, who felt under threat and feared injury to an abdominal area on which he had received recent surgery.

Read more: Man taken to hospital after assault outside Ed Sheeran's Sunderland gig

When the charge of causing grievous bodily harm, with intent to do grievous bodily harm, was put to Oxley, he pleaded not guilty, but he added that he was guilty to a section 20 offence (unlawful wounding/causing grievous bodily, but without intent).

Mr Wardlaw said because of the second punch the Crown finds the pleas, “unacceptable”.

The case was adjourned for a trial of between two and three days, starting at the court on Monday May 22, next year.

Judge Paul Sloan bailed the 38-year-old defendant to an address in Linbridge Drive, West Denton, Newcastle, with a tagged 7pm until 7am daily curfew.

But Oxley, a self-employed electrician, must also attend a pre-trial further case management hearing in the case at the court on Tuesday September 6.

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