A sexual predator who plied his underage victim with alcohol before abusing her has been jailed after police uncovered how he groomed her over a long period of time.

Arron Gray, of Sycamore Place, Killingworth, meticulously-groomed his young victim into believing she was in a relationship with him.

He would invite her to his home and plie her with alcohol before sexually abusing her – fully aware she was under the legal age of consent.

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In 2018, a concerned adult discovered sexualised messages Gray had sent to his underage victim and reported him to the police.

An investigation was launched by Northumbria Police's Safeguarding Department with specialist officers providing wrap-around care to support the victim and Gray was arrested.

The 21-year-old denied the allegations put to him but was later charged with six offences of sexual activity with a child and the case was sent to Newcastle Crown Court for trial.

In court, he was found guilty of all six offences.

He was sentenced to two and a half years behind bars.

Gray was also handed a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) and will have to sign the sex offenders' register for life.

Detective Sergeant Amanda Harland led the investigation and has today praised the bravery of the victim and hopes it can help encourage others to speak out by saying: "know the law - there is no grey area when it comes to sexual activity with a child."

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