A MAN responsible for, “a catalogue of depravity” has received a 25-year extended prison sentence for the prolonged sexual abuse of two boys.

Darren John Wood subjected the victims to “dreadful and awful” ordeals to satisfy his lust, while heavily intoxicated.

Durham Crown Court heard the abuse left his victims traumatised, leading to at least one self-harming and suffering addiction problems, with the psychological effects persisting into adulthood for both.

The, now 48-year-old defendant, of Saxon Green, Escomb, near Bishop Auckland, was accused of a total of 14 serious sexual assaults, including oral and anal rapes of the boys.

He claimed the offences never took place and maintained those denials at his trial earlier this year.

But, on the sixth day of the hearing, following lengthy deliberation, the jury returned guilty verdicts on all 14 charges.

Wood was remanded in custody pending preparation of a background report on him by the Probation Service, as well as to enable victim statements to be gathered from the victims.

Those statements were read to the court, relating the psychological impact both victims have suffered since the offences were committed.

Andrew Finlay, in mitigation, told the court that his client, “has not come to terms with the jury’s verdicts”, but added that he would comply with the extensive programme of rehabilitative work planned for him in custody.

Mr Finlay said: “It may help him come to terms with the outcome of the case.”

He added that the defendant has no previous convictions for, “offences of this magnitude, nor of this nature.”

Read more: Turkish man convicted of attempted rape and sexual assault in County Durham

Judge James Adkin told Wood he was convicted of what was, “a catalogue of depravity”, causing, “significant impact” to both victims.

The judge said although he has no past convictions of a sexual nature, the offences he previously committed showed, “a capacity to commit violence and intimidation."

He said he was satisfied the defendant poses a “significant risk” of committing further specified serious offences.

Judge Adkin, therefore, made him subject to an extended determinate sentence of 25 years in custody, with a five-year licence period upon his release.

Wood must serve at last 16-and-a-half years behind bars before he can be considered for parole but may have to spend the full 25 years in custody.

He was also made subject of registration as a sex offender and the terms of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order, both for life.

Lifetime restraining orders were also put in place preventing future contact or approaches to his victims.

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