STAFF and veterans from a museum and bar in Thornaby are heading to the Ukraine/Poland border again to take supplies to those who need them.

The Don War Memorial Museum & The Last Post Bar in Thornaby hosted a collection for Ukrainians last month and took four vanloads of donations to Budomierz, at the Ukraine/Poland border after only collecting for two weeks.

Now, Julie Cooper, landlady of Thornaby’s wartime memorabilia-filled venue, is determined that this cause will not be forgotten about and is adamant that the people of Teesside will not turn their backs on those either fleeing conflict, or those who have no choice but to stay.

It’s mainly non-perishable foods, medicines and goods such as energy drinks that Julie and her team are most keen on collecting, though baby products and feminine hygiene items are also welcome.

The Northern Echo: Those who would like to donate can drop things off at 'The Don' from now until the beginning of May. Picture: STUART BOULTONThose who would like to donate can drop things off at 'The Don' from now until the beginning of May. Picture: STUART BOULTON

Read more: Appeal to organise fly-over for funeral of 101-year-old Stockton D-Day veteran

Julie said: “We don’t want loads of clothes donations. We need to take the stuff that people genuinely need, like food and medicines, baby stuff like nappies and creams, and bottled water and energy drinks.

“We can’t just forget about these people. Just because it’s been going on a while doesn’t mean people are still suffering. We need to show that we do still care and we will keep helping however we can.

“So far we’ve got big two vans at the moment that will be bursting at the seams but we’re trying to fund a third van now too.

“We’ve had nearly as many donations as last time. There’s people out there with no food, no water, no electricity and they need us so we can’t stop now.

“We can’t just forget about these people now that it’s become the norm, we still need to pull together and do what we can. They need things to survive.”

Julie, her husband and two veterans will be making their way to Budomierz in the first week of May and donations can be dropped off at ‘The Don’ anytime before then.


The Northern Echo: #ThereWithUkraine#ThereWithUkraine

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