A MAN who was attacked with a knuckle-duster before being forced to hand over £1,000 worth of camera equipment to repay a £140 debt was the victim of ‘extreme bullying’.

The victim was forced into a car after meeting up with Luke Fines in a car park at Teesside Park following a dispute over drug money.

The 23-year-old threatened to ‘stab-up’ the victim before punching him to the face while wearing a knuckle-duster, Teesside Crown Court heard.

Fines also forced the man to hand over his trainers while threatening to beat him, tie him up and dump at the roadside during the victim’s terrifying ordeal.

Ellen Wright, prosecuting, said the robbery had left the man feeling scared and vulnerable after he was attacked in March 2019.

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The court heard how Fines threatened the man saying - ‘you’re going to get us something or value or you’re going to get stabbed up and left at the side of the road’.

The man handed over the camera after being driven to his home and was then attacked while in the back of the car where he was punched in the face with a knuckle-duster.

The Northern Echo: Luke FinesLuke Fines

Miss Wright said: “The car slowed down, it didn’t come to a stop, Mr Fines turned in the driver’s seat and punched him in the nose and called him a ‘cheeky ***’ when he did it.

“It connected to his nose and he immediately felt a strong pain and blood was pouring from his nose.”

Fines, of Gladstone Street, Middlesbrough, pleaded guilty to robbery.

And Clarke, 21, of Cobden Street, Thornaby, pleaded guilty to the same offence as well as additional charges of possession of ecstasy with intent to supply and possession of cannabis.

Jonathan Walker, in mitigation for Fines, said his client had taken part in the robbery during a bout of ‘utter lunacy’ and is an illustration of ‘extremely ugly bullying’.

Neil Jones, representing Clarke, said his client played a minimal role in the robbery but accepts that he was present and helped take the camera equipment off the victim.

The Northern Echo: David ClarkeDavid Clarke

Recorder Ian Mullarkey sentenced the pair to three years in custody for the robbery.

“I don’t accept this was a case of bullying, this was a drug-related offence which involved a long period of detention with the complainant being driven around,” he said “He was terrified by this ordeal. He was taken to his house where further property was demanded from him.

“It was clearly a serious physical assault resulting in a fractured nose and caused significant psychological harm caused to him – he genuinely feared for his life.”

Clarke was sentenced to an additional 18 months for the drugs offences, so will serve a total of four years.

Both defendants were made subject to a seven-year restraining order.

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