A WOMAN has been found not guilty of the murder of her friend after stabbing her in the leg.

Keegan Barnes, from Thornaby, was instead found guilty of manslaughter following a trial at Teesside Crown Court.

The 28-year-old is due to be sentenced by Mr Justice Lavender on Monday.

The jury took seven hours and 14 minutes to reach a verdict in the case.

They found her not guilty of murder, but guilty of manslaughter in an 11-1 majority verdict.

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Barnes, of Vulcan Way, Thornaby, had maintained during the trial that she acted in self-defence after being attacked by Miss Butler at her home on June 10 last year.

Both women had been drinking and taking drugs in the lead-up to the fatal incident. 

The Northern Echo:

During the trial, jurors heard how 25-year-old Miss Butler had died of catastrophic blood loss after suffering two stab wounds to her calf – one piercing a main vein.

The pair had both been taking drugs and drinking throughout the day after an impromptu party started.

Barnes had told the court she had acted in self-defence after she was attacked by Miss Butler, who she had said was “off her face”.

The court heard Barnes had been lying on the floor after the attack and had grabbed a kitchen knife, stabbing Miss Butler twice in the leg to get her off her.

The defendant had denied deliberately wanting to hurt the woman and said that she did not believe that her injuries would prove to be fatal.

The jury heard how Barnes called an ambulance when Miss Butler was found dead at the foot of her stairs, was upset, and was later shocked when she was arrested on suspicion of murder.

The prosecution said efforts had been made to clean Miss Butler’s body before different clothes were put back on her. 

During her evidence, Barnes told jurors that she had not slept for three days after taking a cocktail of drugs in the days leading up to the killing.

She admitted that she had taken cannabis and cocaine as well as mix of prescription drugs in the days and hours leading up to the fatal confrontation.

The prosecution had said Barnes had continually changed her story, telling paramedics that Miss Butler had self-harmed. 

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