PEOPLE in Darlington have offered up rooms and space in their houses to Ukrainian refugees.

Fran Wood, from the group Darlington Assistance for Refugees (DAR), said she had received some generous offers from people in the town who wanted to help.

The group has been collecting medical supplies to send to the Ukrainian border to assist refugees fleeing the war.

It is also holding a charity quiz night this month, which will raise money for the Red Cross’s Ukraine appeal, as well as for its own activities.

Read more: Darlington residents donate thousands of items for Ukraine

Ms Wood told The Northern Echo: “There have been a lot of people who want to donate and help.

The Northern Echo: Fran Wood, of Darlington Assistance for RefugeesFran Wood, of Darlington Assistance for Refugees

“We have been helping a family from Ukraine who have visas and are trying to get family out of Ukraine.

“I know some employers in the area are doing the same to help their Ukrainian employees and have been very supportive.”

She is working with a Russian asylum seeker in the town who is assisting with translation.

She added: “As always we are overwhelmed by the generosity of people whey they message us. Total strangers who are offering their houses and rooms to people who need them. It’s amazing.”

The quiz night is being held at Darlington Arena, in Neasham, on Saturday, March 19 from 7pm. Tickets cost £10 per person, or £7.50 for under 12s, and a pie supper from Taylor’s will be provided.

Pupils from Carmel College in Darlington, which is a school of sanctuary - which means it is part of a network which tries to ensure a welcoming place for refugees - have helped by writing questions for the quiz and providing raffle prizes.

They are available from and further details can also be found by visiting the Darlington Assistance for Refugees page on Facebook.

DAR is run by volunteers and provides assistance to people setting up homes in the area.

Read more: Darlington thanked for 'amazing' response to Ukraine donations

Ms Wood added: “All of the money raised will go to helping refugees. Setting up a home is an expensive thing and helping people access English language is critical as well.

“People like to make people feel welcome and we try to do that but it’s not cheap. There are a lot of costs involved in what we do, which is why we are raising money.”

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