TO mark International Women’s Day, the Tees Valley Combined Authority is joining The Northern Echo today to host a panel discussion around ‘Levelling Up’ and giving women a seat at the table.

The event - hosted at 2pm by the Echo's Business & Commercial Editor Mike Hughes - will feature a  lineup of influential women from a range of sectors to talk about their experiences, the importance of ‘Levelling Up’ and making sure more women have opportunities at every level.

Meet the panel:

Alison Fellows – Group Commercial Director of the Tees Valley Combined Authority

Yasmin Khan – Director of Halo Project Charity and Tees Valley LEP Member for Inclusive Growth

Chloe Clover – Co-Founder of Wander Films, Tees Businesswoman of the Year, and Forbes 30 Under 30 listed

Sharon Lane – Managing Director, Tees Components

Asma Shaffi – Principal of Prior Pursglove and Stockton Sixth Form College – part of the Tees Valley Collaborative TrustBibi Rodgers Hunt – Supply Chain Transformation and Sustainability Lead – Quorn Foods

The session will be live streamed on The Northern Echo Facebook page and the Tees Valley Combined Authority’s Facebook channel from 2pm today, where you’ll get chance to put your questions to the panel and join in an important discussion.


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