A MOTHER who began educating young people about the dangers of knives after the fatal stabbing of her own son says an education programme she adapted is now being delivered in New York’s the Bronx.

Theresa Cave said the Chris Cave Foundation, named after her son who was killed in Redcar in 2003, was expanding its ‘Point 7’ programme which educates students on weapon-related crime.

She also described how her early efforts to go into schools to talk to youngsters were rebuffed in some instances since heads deemed her presence may suggest they had a knife problem.

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Ms Cave, who recently gave a presentation to Cleveland police and crime panel members, said funding worth £25,000 she had received from Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner Steve Turner had been a “lifeline” and “well spent”.

The foundation’s successful bid for investment has enabled it to consider growing its base in Redcar and take on new volunteers, now having six staff, as well as paying for travel expenses.

She said: “In 2004 I started knocking on doors and all I had was a photo of Chris.

“In the early days I could not get access to schools because it was deemed they might have a knife problem, when the reality was it was all about prevention.

“I used to travel around with a carrier bag with all my books and papers in it.

“I never gave up, we are not doing this for the money or the limelight.

“No-one is too young to be educated about knife crime.”

The Northern Echo:

Ms Cave, who also formed the organisation Mothers Against Violence North East in 2005, said “doors began opening” in 2011 when she received support from South Yorkshire Police.

She later brought an education programme being used by the force’s officers back to Teesside and adapted it for further use.

That grew into what Point 7 is today.

The “powerful and interactive” programme is for children and young people aged 13 upwards and aimed at giving them a broader understanding of knife and gun crime.

It features real stories, including graphic images of stab and gunshot wounds, and information regarding laws on carrying weapons and sentencing, gang violence and cyberbullying, with youngsters encouraged to hold their own debates.

Referrals to the programme have come from probation and those working with young offenders, and often involve young people who have been identified as carrying knives or engaged in gang-related activities.

The foundation has bookings over the next two months, which will cover another thousand young people, and is to attend colleges in Stockton, Redcar, Middlesbrough and Thornaby in April.

Ms Cave said one of her proudest moments recently had been when she hosted a large session in a school and asked the children whether they would have the mindset to pick up a knife, and not a single one said yes.

She said: “But if you can change just one mindset, it is job done.”

She described some of the local work the foundation has undertaken, including hosting music sessions for youngsters and allowing them to undertake gardening work in allotments.

Ms Cave also told police and panel members about “graffiti wrapping”, which allows youngsters a safe space to display their graffiti art.

She said: “There’s no criminal damage and the kids have a great time.”

The foundation runs after-school and holiday projects offering art and sporting activities, the aim being to help those taking part to build their self-esteem and confidence.

It also delivers a yearly youth conference, giving young people taster sessions of projects they could become involved in.

Police and crime panel members heard how the organisation bought an improved dummy for use in life-saving first aid, such as might be required at the scene of a stabbing, and had provided 21 teenagers with Christmas gifts and hampers.

‘Very important work’

Councillor Tony Riordan, the chairman of the Cleveland police and crime panel, who is himself a former police officer, said people like Ms Cave made the area a better place.

He said: “It is very important work that people like you do, spending your time and energy trying to keep people safe.”

Mr Turner said: “These are the kinds of things that my office is working on behind the scenes – this is where in the longer term we will make a difference through people like Theresa.”

The money provided for the Chris Cave Foundation came from a serious violence fund launched by Mr Turner’s office in June last year.

It aims to prevent young people in Cleveland from getting involved in serious violent crime – or becoming victims – by helping them take part in positive activities to fuel their interests and ambitions.

The PCC said: “Serious violence has been a long-standing problem in Cleveland and I will continue to highlight to the Government the key and emerging challenges we face and the impact that this has on communities.

“Early intervention and prevention is key in addressing these challenges. 

“I believe young people only become involved in crime, violence, harmful and risk taking behaviours if they do not have positive activities to fuel their imaginations and absorb their energies.

“By building interest, engagement and aspiration among young people, I hope we can prevent them from becoming involved in serious violent crime.”

Cleveland currently has the highest violent crime rate in the country, along with high rates of both anti-social behaviour and knife crime.


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