THE cost of a weekly shop will be plummeting for those most in need across the North East next week after a food charity announced that it would be giving affordable food away for just £3 per shop via the opening of a new community facility in Newcastle.

From Tuesday, February 8, people who are finding it difficult to put food on the table for themselves and their families will be able to sign up to the Kingdom Life Community Grocery and receive a full weekly shop for a massively reduced price.

Based in Kingdom Life Church on Heaton Road in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, the Community Grocery will help tackle food poverty locally by providing affordable food for members whilst also giving them access to support.

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By signing up at the grocery, vulnerable members can do a large food shop for only £3 per visit - saving on average over £30 each shop.

An initiative of national charity The Message Trust, the store is being run in partnership with Kingdom Life Church. The store will be the newest Community Grocery to open, with eleven other stores across England already helping to feed over 11,000 families.

The charity behind the new community facility has pledged that people who visit can expect to see the same products they would in their local supermarkets, including fresh fruit and vegetables, tinned goods, baked items, frozen food, sanitary and household items, courtesy of local suppliers and supermarkets.

The Northern Echo: Members can pay £5 per year and visit the facility three times a week. Picture: THE MESSAGE TRUST.Members can pay £5 per year and visit the facility three times a week. Picture: THE MESSAGE TRUST.

Alongside the food support, Community Groceries is about more than just supplies. Members will also be able to access a range of services, including employment clubs, debt advice, mental wellbeing courses, exploring Christianity and cookery courses.

Andy Hawthorne OBE, chief executive and founder of The Message Trust said: “The continued uncertainty of Covid, as well as escalating fuel and food prices are having a massive impact on everyone’s lives.

“But for millions it’s made life so difficult that they are having to choose every day between heating or eating. We can’t stand by and do nothing, so the Community Groceries are here to help.

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“Bridging the gap between supermarkets and foodbanks, we’re here to make it easier for our members to put food on the table by reducing the cost of the weekly shop, whilst also providing them with support and courses too.

He added: “Over 11,000 members across the UK are now shopping in stores each week, and we can’t wait to welcome people to Kingdom Life Community Grocery from February 8.”

Pastors John & Debbie Bullock from Kingdom Life Church added: “We first heard about Community Grocery by chance whilst flicking through Facebook.

The Northern Echo: The Trust and church behind the idea have said that it could be a "lifesaver" for families across the North East. Picture: THE MESSAGE TRUST.The Trust and church behind the idea have said that it could be a "lifesaver" for families across the North East. Picture: THE MESSAGE TRUST.

“We got in touch with The Message Trust and our journey began a year ago both with planning and transforming our premises. We are absolutely delighted to be offering this first-class service to our community and working in partnership with the Message Trust.”

Membership will cost £5 per year and members are able to visit three times a week and choose their own shopping for their families.

You can find out more about Kingdom Life Community Grocery here.

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