CHANCELLOR of the Exchequer and Richmond MP Rishi Sunak has come under fire for visiting Yarm yesterday for a Levelling Up event rather than be 40 miles away at the centre of the Storm Arwen crisis.

Mr Sunak was in the town to visit the historic Town hall which is about to undergo large-scale renovations. He also went for short walkabout to meet residents and businesses.

Read more: Army descends on County Durham after Storm Arwen 

But people around places like Weardale Valley and nearby Coronation in Bishop Auckland have now been days without power and Labour MP for Durham Mary Foy told The Northern Echo: "It is simply incredible that Rishi Sunak found the time to visit Yarm High Street to talk about 'levelling up' while many communities nearby in County Durham and Northumberland are now facing a week without power.

The Northern Echo:


"We are in the grips of a major incident, and many people have been left largely on their own to struggle. People are rightly angry and short of patience for ministers seeking photo opportunities rather than bringing practical solutions.

"I suspect that being confronted by my angry constituents who feel abandoned by the authorities would not be in keeping with the Chancellor’s tightly managed media image."

The Chancellor's office declined to explain why he and his team weren't able to divert to visit homes hit by the power cuts, but a spokesperson said: "The Business Secretary has been in constant communication with network operators and Northern Powergrid on this issue as well as the Scottish Government to co-ordinate the response and offer support.

"Today, Minister Greg Hands is in Aberdeenshire meeting with SSE to discuss the restoration efforts, as well as those people affected. He is also meeting with troops who are supporting the efforts. This follow his visit to Newcastle on Wednesday.

"We have provided aid to the areas most affected from Sunday by bringing in expert engineers to repair the network as quickly as possible, while also working with the British Red Cross to make sure relief gets through to those who need it."


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