AS thousands of people wake up today again with no electricity following the impact of Storm Arwen, Conservative MP for Bishop Auckland Dehenna Davison says she has made it her mission to encourage "swifter" action from the Government. Writing in The Northern Echo she says military support is on its way.

The devastation caused by Storm Arwen has been felt right across our region, with Northern Powergrid stating it is the worst storm damage in living memory. Some communities are facing their sixth night without power.

Myself and my team have worked around the clock to help residents get the support they need.

We have helped deliver generators, get vulnerable people into alternative accommodation, get village halls opened for hot drinks and meals, and much more.

Read more: MARY FOY: Why didn't the Government help the north after Storm Arwen sooner

I have been in regular, extensive discussions with Northern Powergrid, and with stakeholders in Westminster, including the Business Secretary, Energy Minister, Defence Secretary, and Number 10.

We MPs are the ears on the ground, so my mission has been to highlight the extent of the damage and scale of repairs needed in order to encourage swifter, stronger action from Government.

Sadly, the crisis we are facing here has not been covered by national media in the same way I expect it would have been had this happened in the South East (a challenge for another day).

Thanks to my lobbying, and that from Ric Holden MP and the small number of other MPs with affected constituency, the Government swung into action, engaging with Northern Powergrid and with the Local Resilience Forum, who have local responsibility for such crises. Thanks to this, we are now hoping to see support from the military on the ground from tomorrow.

Thankfully, the vast majority of households have had their power restored, but there are an estimated 900 properties still without power across the constituency.

I know Northern Powergrid are doing all that they can to ensure this is fixed as soon as possible.

Around 420 households should have their power restored before morning, and I’m incredibly grateful to all the engineers who have been battling the elements to get people’s power restored.

But whilst the power companies, councils and the Government have a big role to play, I have been overwhelmed with pride at our community’s response.

Within minutes of posting my first update, I had residents getting in contact with me to help find generators, deliver hot meals, and offering assistance to my team who were out door knocking in rural areas.

Local businesses like Babul’s and Chocolate Fayre offered their space for people still without power to come and warm up or charge their phones.

I also must pay tribute to local heroes like Kimberly Clarke, Tommy Lowther, Judith Buckle, and Paul Hedley. Support is still needed so, if you can help, please do contact my office on

Together, we will beat this crisis and ensure our entire community can have the Christmas at home that they deserve. 


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