SMOKERS are being urged to do their bit to keep Durham City centre clean.

City of Durham Parish Council has launched an anti-cigarette waste campaign calling on residents and visitors to the city not to throw their cigarette butts on the ground.

It has also teamed up with businesses in hotspot areas, where the problem of cigarette litter is particularly bad, to give away free pocket ashtrays which can be used to discard cigarette butts safely.

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Councillor Carole Lattin, chair of the parish council’s environment committee, said: “Cigarette litter is often time-consuming and expensive to clean-up because of its small size, as well as being unsightly where cigarette butts are allowed to accumulate.

"Like every city across the country, Durham has its issues of cigarette litter.

"Obviously, our key message to everyone is to quit smoking and this campaign includes the helpline for support.

"Keeping the city clean and green and our residents healthy are key priorities for the council.”

The pocket ashtrays are a reusable anti-litter device designed to store cigarette butts, and also chewing gum, until they can be disposed of properly.

They are a soft lightweight pouch with a fireproof lining to extinguish cigarettes and lock in smoke odours, and easily fit into a pocket whilst the user is out and about.

As smoking is the biggest cause of preventable deaths in England, the Quit Smoking helpline number is printed on the pocket ashtrays being given away.

Cllr Lattin added: “These pocket ashtrays are light-weight, reusable, biodegradable pouches which allow the user to put out their cigarette safely and cleanly without having to throw this on the ground.

"These pocket ashtrays are free of charge and can now be collected from most businesses across the city.

"Businesses have been so enthusiastic about this project as they too are keen to keep their frontages clear from cigarette litter."

A spokesperson for the council said cigarette litter is not just unsightly but can be dangerous for the environment.

Plastic fibres and toxic chemicals, such as arsenic and lead, can contaminate water and poison fish, as well as animals who eat cigarette butts.

The parish council is also funding an enhanced neighbourhood warden who is issuing on-the-spot fines of £70 for anyone found dropping a cigarette butt on the ground.

Anyone who would like their own pocket ashtray free of charge, or who owns a business premises and feels their customers could benefit, can get in touch with the City of Durham Parish Council via e-mail on


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