DEMOLITION is continuing on Europe's biggest brownfield development site as it is cleared for new industry.

The Northern Echo: Stock House demolition at Redcar Streelworks Chris Booth

Around 7pm  Teessiders heard an explosive demolition that brought down the former Redcar Stock House which sits opposite the Redcar Blast Furnace.

The sounds could be heard by residents across Teesside as the Stock Houses came crumbling down following the explosion.

The Northern Echo: Stock House demolition at Redcar Streelworks Chris Booth

The Stock Houses used to store the raw materials and iron ore which fed the furnace to produce iron.

The Northern Echo: Stock House demolition at Redcar Streelworks Chris Booth

The controlled demolition is part of the clearing of the Teesworks site which started back in August with the demolition of one of the 70-metre-tall chimneys of the Basic Oxygen Steelmaking (BOS).

The Northern Echo: Stock House demolition at Redcar Streelworks Chris Booth

The history is being documented preservation to remember the 170-years of iron and steel making on Teesside.

The Northern Echo: Stock House demolition at Redcar Streelworks Chris Booth

A spokesperson for Teesworks said: "We apologise for any inconvenience caused however it is necessary to carry out these works on an evening to ensure there is minimum disruption to other development in progress across the site."

The Northern Echo: Stock House demolition at Redcar Streelworks Chris Booth

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