RESIDENTS of a Darlington village are sad to say goodbye to their local postmaster.

Rizlan Arshad has worked at Haughton Green Post Office – Shop & Deli for three and a half years.

On Friday (October 29) at 7pm as Riz was closing the doors, residents crowded outside the post office to say goodbye, to wish him well and to give him some gifts.

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Riz said: “It was such a surprise. It meant so much to me that people took the time out to come and say goodbye and wish me well and having the Mayor there was the icing on the cake.

“I genuinely got on with everyone in the community and it was so nice to know that they cared enough to come out on Friday.

“I will definitely miss the people.

“The only reason I have decided to leave is because lockdowns have taught me how important being with my family is.

“I have enjoyed my time there (at the post office) and was happy helping within the community like a lot of people during the pandemic.”

The Northern Echo: Riz with Cllr. Chris McEwan at his send-off last FridayRiz with Cllr. Chris McEwan at his send-off last Friday

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Cllr Cyndi Hughes, Mayor of Darlington said: “It was my absolute pleasure to join the local community in thanking Riz for his dependable service to them and for his kindness and care especially during the lockdowns.

I wish Riz and his lovely family all the best.”

Cllr. Chris McEwan said: “Riz is such a good guy. Everyone likes him.

"He just had a very genuine approach and people obviously took to him.

“He went the extra mile during lockdowns and everyone really appreciated his efforts.”

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Riz made deliveries to vulnerable members of the community during lockdowns.

Residents also had kind words to say.

Paula said: “He was hugely supportive of us through my cancer and Covid, dropping shopping and newspapers on doorsteps.

"He always participated in community events including VE Day, VJ Day and Christmas by decorating his windows and helping in anyway he could.

"And lastly just being a thoroughly kind, genuine person. He will be sorely missed.”

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Sue said: “The thing I remember, probably before lockdowns, was his generosity.

"Flour could not be had in the supermarket but Riz had a sackful and allowed people to help themselves…for free.”

Simon and Kath said: “Riz took a local shop and turned it into a proper community store.

"He has always done his best to join in Haughton activities and he has been an absolute hero during lockdowns.

"He made sure people in isolation got what they needed and just generally going the extra mile for his customers.

"We think he is one of life’s really good people and we are going to miss him.”


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