A ROW over a £20 debt ended with a gang of armed men forcing their way into a couple's home before hitting a woman over the head with a hammer.

Austen Moore, Heath Randall senior and Heath Randall junior, armed themselves with a hammer, wooden bats and a metal pole before smashing the front door and windows to get into the house in January this year.

The three men, and another man who has never been identified, then started smashing up the home before knocking the woman out with a blow to the head, Teesside Crown Court heard.

Annelise Haugstad, prosecuting, said the incident started when Moore became agitated when he couldn't get his £20 back but soon escalated when a short while later he returned with three other men in tow.

The court heard how all four men were armed and all played a role in the violent incident.

Miss Haugstad said a bloodied hammer was found hidden under the sink in a property where Moore was staying.

In a victim impact statement she said the attack 'dramatically' impacted on her life and she suffered from nightmares that they 'are coming to get me'. The woman required stitches to her head wound and still suffers from headaches.

All three pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding.

The Northern Echo: Austen MooreAusten Moore

Shaun Dryden, for Moore, of no fixed abode, said his client was homeless at the time of the attack and felt remorse as the couple had given shelter and food previously.

Paul Abrahams, for Randall Snr, 55, of HMP Durham, accepted that his client is currently on licence recall for previous offences and will remain in that position for some time.

The court had heard how the defendant had more than 100 offences on his record, including one violent offence where he used a hammer.

The Northern Echo: Heath Randall SnrHeath Randall Snr

Tom Bennett, for Randall Jnr, 35, of Thorntree Avenue, Middlesbrough, said he didn't use the hammer but accepted responsibility for his role in the attack and does have an 'unenviable record'.

Judge Timothy Stead said: "Having smashed windows, there was an attack upon the occupiers but in particular the woman, who was hit on head with a hammer causing a wound to her scalp and she has suffered since in a psychological manner."

The Northern Echo: Heath Randall JnrHeath Randall Jnr

Moore, 24, was jailed for 32 months, Randall Jnr was jailed for 34 months while his father was sentenced to 37 months in custody.

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