A COUNTY DURHAM man who was determined to raise money to help his nephew has run the Great North Run dressed as Darth Vader.

Peter Milne competed in the Great North Run in aid of Percy Hedley Foundation, where his nine year old nephew, who has autism, attends.

Mr Milne said: “I am doing the run as Darth Vader, I did it last year as a T-rex and I wanted a new challenge.

"I feel they are a good choice to dress up as because everyone, from adults to kids, knows who they are.

“I was very nervous about doing the run as I pulled a ligament and sprained my ankle. So this meant I didn’t get much training in.

“I am just happy that I could finish, I didn’t think I would.”

The costumes were donated by Rubie's Costume Company, for free.

Mr Milne raised £486, his friends raised £359, and his Nephew Daniel raised £300. In total, they raised over £1,000.

The Percy Hedley Foundation provide a range of quality, specialist and personalised care and education support to disabled people and families.