DELAYS to a heavily-criticised rail overhaul which would slash services to many North East stations has been welcomed by the region’s leaders – but there are warnings it won’t solve the “chronic” underlying problem.

It has been confirmed that a timetable change halving the number of services between Newcastle and Manchester and drastically cutting the number of trains stopping at places like Darlington and Morpeth will not come into force until at least 2023, rather than the planned May 2022.

READ MORE: £1.2bn rail upgrades and timetable change to be DELAYED until 2023

The major East Coast Main Line shake-up is intended to introduce more and faster trains to London, but that addition came with a heavy cost in the North East because of severe capacity constraints on the region’s limited rail infrastructure that meant other services would have to be cut.

Rail operators’ plans were widely condemned, particularly in areas that stand to lose many trains – 29 fewer stopping in Darlington every day, eight in Durham, 21 in Morpeth, and six in Berwick.

Gateshead Council leader Martin Gannon welcomed the pause, but said there is a “fundamental problem with the rail network in the North East – gross, chronic underinvestment”.

Cllr Gannon, chair of the North East Joint Transport Committee, added: “There is massive demand for increased capacity in terms of services to London, but that has a knock-on impact for other services. If the government is serious about levelling up for the North East of England, this has to be the number one priority.

“The investment we need will take many years, so we need to start now.”

North East transport chiefs have long wanted to see the disused Leamside Line and Bensham Curve reopened to significantly increase track capacity and allow for new passenger services to be introduced without slashing others.

North of Tyne mayor Jamie Driscoll, who had called for the proposals to be halted in June, said: “Eight years ago decisions were made to run more trains to London on the assumption that rail infrastructure would improve. It hasn’t. So they were going to take off our northern trains to compensate.

“At the Rail North Committee on June 23 I made the proposal that we push back as a united North and tell government ministers to intervene to protect our northern services. We’ve heard today that this has now happened. It’s good news and shows what’s possible when northern mayors unite.

"But the underlying problem still needs fixing – we need investment in northern transport infrastructure or else levelling up is a hollow claim.”

Glen Sanderson, Conservative leader of Northumberland County Council, also fears that the delay “is just pushing problems back for another 12 months”.

He added: “Clearly there is a great deal of public concern both from residents and businesses about these plans and I still believe these proposed changes are a huge and unwelcome backwards step – particularly for Berwick and Morpeth.

“At a time when we’re recovering from a global pandemic and doing everything we can to revitalise our towns and our economy, any reductions to rail services in our county would send completely the wrong message.”

The delay, first revealed by Modern Railways Magazine, has been pinned on a series of problems – including concerns over the availability of trains after cracks were found in LNER’s Azuma trains built by Hitachi in Newton Aycliffe, a need for increased power supply, and public criticism of the plans.

In a leaked email seen by the Local Democracy Reporting Service, LNER said that there were “a combination of issues that need to be rectified before a significant timetable change can be introduced to operate reliably for customers”.

Anne-Marie Trevelyan, MP for Berwick-upon-Tweed, said she was “delighted” after the government and LNER confirmed that the new timetable will not be enacted until at least 2023.

She added: “I was clear to both LNER and my colleagues at the department for Transport, how much decent transport infrastructure is vital to the future of our economy in Northumberland and the wider North East. I am pleased our arguments have won through and these damaging changes will not now be implemented.”