A LANDLADY and six members of an organised crime gang have been jailed for a total of 29 years after cannabis farms were discovered in rented houses across Harrogate.

Over £540,000 worth of drugs were seized by police involved in the operation. Harrogate landlady Yoko Banks, 73, has been jailed for three and a half years, and six members of an organised crime gang based in London were jailed for between three and six years each after admitting being involved in the production of drugs.

Police were alerted in September last year after a disturbance in Alexandra road in Harrogate when cars left a trail of cannabis debris in the street. Two of the vehicles were tracked and stopped by police in Hertfordshire. Over £300,000 worth of cannabis was found.

Officers found an established cannabis growing operation with electrical wiring and security systems in a house in the street owned by Yoko Banks. Further properties she owned were searched in the town and cannabis worth £240,000 was seized.

The houses had been rented to a third party who sub-let them to the organised crime gang, police said Banks expected to make thousands of pounds from the deal.

Albanian nationals Visar Sellaj, 33, the ring-leader of the gang, was jailed for six years and nine months; Kujtim Brahaj, 50, for three years and two months, Indrit Brahaj, 27, for four years and four months; Bledar Elezaj, 36, for three years, Erblin Elezaj, for five years and two months. All were from the London area.

All five were sentenced at Leeds Crown Court on Friday August 13. Andi Kokaj, 23, of no fixed address, was jailed for three years on Monday August 16

All six admitted being concerned in the production of cannabis, Indrit Brahaj, Kokaj, Sellaj, and Erblin Elezaj also pleaded guilty to possessing cannabis with intent to supply.

Detective Constable Maria Furness of Harrogate CID, said: "The sentences passed mark the end of a complex investigation which has dismantled this extremely harmful organised crime group operating across the country.

"An investigation under the Proceeds of Crime Act will follow with the intention of stripping them of their assets accrued through criminality. Communities across the country will share our satisfaction that these people have been removed from our neighbourhoods and their ill-gotten gains seized.

"Drug supply and associated violent crime ruins the lives of whole communities. We will continue to work tirelessly to identify prosecute and dismantle organised crime groups from our streets"

Anyone concerned about drugs call 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.