PLANS to change a shop into a hot food takeaway have been met with reservation by consultees over concerns to local residents.

The building, which can be found on North Road in Darlington, could be changed from a shop to a hot food takeaway with installation of extraction systems as part of the application.

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The application also seeks the replacement of the aluminium shop front with roller shutter doors, and alterations to the windows and doors to the rear of the building.

However, plans have been met with reservation by Steve Todd, Environmental Health Manager at Darlington Borough Council.

Mr Todd said: “I have concerns about this application due to the flats in the block above the application site.

Previous similar applications have been recommended for refusal due to the amount of nose insulation that would need to take place between the commercial and residential aspects of the block.

“Additionally the plans show that the extraction flue passes immediately adjacent to the window of the first floor residential accommodation.

“I would therefore recommend refusal of this application on the grounds of protecting residential amenity.”

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lPlans to erect a detached three bedroomed house in County Durham were also submitted this week.

The house, which could be located on Logan Terrace in South Hetton, Durham, would be constructed to a “high standard” according to the Design and Access Statement.

Carbon neutral technologies will also, proposedly, be adopted for the house in both heating and ventilation systems.

The house could also include associated parking for two cars which would be accessed from the main highway.

Heating for the house could be through the use of an air source heat pump according to the application, this works by extracting heat from outside air much in the same way that a fridge extracts heat from its inside.

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The applications can be viewed and commented on via the Darlington Borough Council website and Durham County Council website.


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